
button — create HTML or JavaScript form submit button


Attribute Pos. Req. Default Description
name Yes   mv_click Button name.
src Yes     Image file to use. If the value starts with http, it is used as-is. Otherwise the tag makes sure the image file is reachable. Requires js.
text Yes     Button text. scratch variable of the same name is also created to hold the code associated with the button.
wait-text       Button text to show while the next page is being loaded. If defined, this is used for the scratch variable name instead of the text argument value. Requires js.
form     First form on the page (document.forms[0]) Form name that this button will submit.
confirm       Text for the "Yes/No" confirmation window that will show up before the client's browser starts with form submission. Requires js.
getsize     0 Use Image::Size Perl module to determine image size and add width and height attributes to the image definition?
alt     Value of the text parameter. Alternate text for the browser status bar (window.status) and balloons.
anchor     Value of text HTML anchor name.
hidetext     0 Hide button text?
extra     None. Extra HTML attributes. Passed verbatim.
name , id , class , style       The standard HTML attributes.
id | class | style       The usual CSS attributes.
interpolate     0 interpolate input?
reparse     1 interpolate output?
hide     0 Hide the tag return value?


This tag creates a mv_click HTML form submit button.

Standard, text-only submit button is output in the form of <input type='submit' ...>.

js submit button can contain an image in place of the standard button text and is output as a combination of <a href=...> and <img src=...> HTML tags. It can also produce other enhancements to the plain submit button, such as confirmation popup windows.

See the section called “EXAMPLES” for illustrative presentation.


This tag appears to be affected by, or affects, the following:
Catalog Variables: DOCROOT


Example: Submit button with an image and confirmation window

Notice the tags used in the button body:

[button text="Delete item" confirm="Are you sure?" src="delete.gif"]
    [button] element's body specifies the action code. It is what you would
    put inside [set Delete item][/set] if you were creating the button
  [mvtag] Use any Interchange tag here, i.e. ....[/mvtag]
  [perl] # code to delete item [/perl]

We are here to discuss the usage of the [button] tag, but let's take a look at an example equivalent to the one above, except that we create the button manually:

[set Delete item]
    [button] element's body specifies the action code.
  [mvtag] Use any Interchange tag here, i.e. ....[/mvtag]
  [perl] # code to delete item [/perl]

<input type='submit' name='mv_click' value='Delete item'>

[button text="Click me"]


The [button] tag can work with unnamed forms.


button is available in Interchange versions:

4.6.0-5.9.0 (git-head)


Interchange 5.9.0:

Source: code/UserTag/button.tag
Lines: 256

# Copyright 2002-2008 Interchange Development Group and others
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.  See the LICENSE file for details.
# $Id: button.tag,v 1.25 2008-06-15 19:11:16 jure Exp $

UserTag button Order     name src text
UserTag button addAttr
UserTag button attrAlias value text
UserTag button hasEndTag
UserTag button Version   $Revision: 1.25 $
UserTag button Routine   <<EOR
sub {
my ($name, $src, $text, $opt, $action) = @_;

my $trigger_text;

if($opt->{wait_text}) {
  $trigger_text = $opt->{wait_text};
else {
  $trigger_text = $text;

my @js;
my $image;

my @from_html = qw/class id style/;

if($src) {
if( $opt->{srcliteral} || $src =~ m{^https?://}i ) {
  $image = $src;
else {
  my $dr = $::Variable->{DOCROOT};
  my $id = $Tag->image( { dir_only => 1 } );
  $id =~ s:/+$::;
  $id =~ s:/~[^/]+::;

    if( $dr and $id and $src =~ m{^[^/]} and -f "$dr$id/$src" ) {
      $image = $src;
    elsif( $dr and $src =~ m{^/} and -f "$dr/$src" ) {
      $image = "$id/$src";
    else {
      ::logError("No image file '$src' found or image file name is invalid.");
my $onclick = '';
my $onmouseover = '';
my $onmouseout = '';
while($action =~ s! \[
            j (?:ava)? s (?:cript)?
          \[ / \1 \]
  my $script = $2;
  $script =~ s/\s+$//;
  $script =~ s/^\s+//;
  if($script =~ s/\bonclick\s*=\s*"(.*?)"//is) {
    $onclick = $1;
  if ($script =~ s/\bonmouse(\w+)\s*=\s*"(.*?)"//is) {
    if (lc($1) eq 'over') {
      $onmouseover .= ($onmouseover ? ';' : '') . $2;
    elsif (lc($1) eq 'out') {
      $onmouseout .= ($onmouseout ? ';' : '') . $2;
    else {
      logError(q{Skipping 'onmouse%s', invalid JavaScript event}, $1);
  push @js, $script;

if(! $name or $name eq 'mv_click') {
  $action =~ s/^\s+//;
  $action =~ s/\s+$//;
  my $set_text = HTML::Entities::decode($trigger_text);
  $::Scratch->{$set_text} = $action;
  $name = 'mv_click' if ! $name;

my $out = '';
my $confirm = '';
my $wait = '';
$opt->{extra} = $opt->{extra} ? " $opt->{extra}" : '';
if($opt->{confirm}) {
  $opt->{confirm} =~ s/'/\\'/g;
  $confirm = "confirm('$opt->{confirm}')";

if($onclick) {
  $confirm .= ' && ' if $confirm;
  $onclick = qq{ onClick="$confirm$onclick"};

# Constructing form button. Will be sent back in all cases,
# either as the primary button or as the <noscript> option
# for JavaScript-challenged browsers.
$text =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
$name =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
$out = qq{<input type="submit" name="$name" value="$text"$onclick$Vend::Xtrailer>};
if (@js) {
  $out =~ s/ /join "\n", '', @js, ''/e;

$opt->{extra} ||= '';
for(@from_html) {
  next unless $opt->{$_};
  $opt->{extra} .= qq{ $_="$opt->{$_}"};

# return submit button if not an image
if(! $image) {
  $text =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
  $name =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
  if(! $onclick and $confirm) {
    $onclick = qq{ onclick="return $confirm"};
  elsif(! $onclick and $opt->{wait_text}) {
    $opt->{wait_text} = HTML::Entities::encode($trigger_text);
    $onclick  = qq{ onClick="};
    $onclick .= qq{var msg = 'Already submitted.';};
    $onclick .= qq{this.value = '$opt->{wait_text}';};
    $onclick .= qq{this.onclick = 'alert(msg)'; return true;};
    $onclick .= qq{"};

  my $out = $opt->{bold} ? '<b>' : '';
  $out .= qq{<input$opt->{extra} type="submit" name="$name" value="$text"$onclick$Vend::Xtrailer>};
  $out .= '</b>' if $opt->{bold};
  if(@js) {
    $out =~ s/ /join "\n", '', @js, ''/e;
  return $out;

# If we got here the button is an image
# Wrap form button code in <noscript>
my $no_script = qq{<noscript>$out</noscript>\n};
$out = '';

my $wstatus = $opt->{alt} || $text;
$wstatus =~ s/'/\\'/g;

my $clickname = $name;
my $clickvar = $name;
if($image and $name eq 'mv_click') {
  $clickvar = $text;
  $clickvar =~ s/\W/_/g;
  $clickname = "mv_click_$clickvar";
  $out = qq{<input type='hidden' name='mv_click_map' value='$clickvar'$Vend::Xtrailer>};

$out .= qq{<input type='hidden' name='$clickname' value=''$Vend::Xtrailer>} if $image; 

my $formname;
$opt->{form} = 'forms[0]'
  if ! $opt->{form};

$confirm .= ' && ' if $confirm;
$opt->{border} = 0 if ! $opt->{border};

if($opt->{getsize}) {
  eval {
    require Image::Size;
    ($opt->{width}, $opt->{height}) = Image::Size::imgsize($image);

$opt->{align} = 'top' if ! $opt->{align};

my $position = '';
for(qw/height width vspace hspace align/) {
  $position .= " $_='$opt->{$_}'" if $opt->{$_};

my $anchor = '';
unless( $opt->{hidetext}) {
  $anchor = $opt->{anchor} || $text;
  $anchor =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g;
  $anchor = "<b>$anchor</b>";

my $a_before = '</a>';
my $a_after  = '';
if($opt->{link_text_too}) {
  $a_before = '';
  $a_after = '</a>';

$opt->{link_href} ||= 'javascript: void 0';
if ($onclick =~ /^\s*onclick\s*=\s*"(.*?)"/i) {
  $onclick = $1 . ' && ';
# QUOTING (fix here too?)
$out .= <<EOF;
<a href="$opt->{link_href}"$opt->{extra} onMouseOver="window.status='$wstatus';$onmouseover"
$out .= <<EOF if $onmouseout;
$out .= <<EOF;
onClick="$confirm $onclick mv_click_map_unique(document.$opt->{form}, \
 '$clickname', '$text') && $opt->{form}.submit(); return(false);"
alt="$wstatus"><img alt="$wstatus" src="$src" border='$opt->{border}'$position>$a_before$anchor$a_after

my $function = '';
unless ($::Instance->{js_functions}{mv_do_click}++) {
  $function = "\n" . <<'EOJS';
function mv_click_map_unique(myform, clickname, clicktext) {
for (var i = 0; i < myform.length; i++) {
  var widget = myform.elements[i];
  if (
    (widget.type == 'hidden')
    && ( != 'mv_click_map')
    && ('mv_click_') == 0)
    widget.value = ( == clickname) ? clicktext : '';
return true;

# Must escape backslashes and single quotes for JavaScript write function.
# Also must get rid of newlines and carriage returns.
$out =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
$out =~ s/[\n\r]+/ /g;
$out = <<EOV;
<script language="javascript1.2" type="text/javascript">
// -->

return $out;



Interchange Development Group


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